Saturday, November 5, 2011

Then there were two...

While staying at Camp Cleveland, we spoke to a couple down on the artist's walk who had a mini aussi that was beyond adorable.  Ever since Jake, who was half aussie, we had considered one - and a mini would work on the boat.  We visited the shelters in Santa Barbara, appalled at the number of pit bulls and chihuahuas - does that say something about our culture?  We almost adopted a mini dobie that was very cute but the idea of that tiny thing at sea didn't seem right.  We also went to an Aussie Shepherd show where there were every types imaginable, all running through hoops, climbing ladders and doing the slalom poles.  Very impressive.  But the sellers wanted a lot of money and we need new batteries on I'O, 
Barbara, in a call from the cold north suggested getting in touch with a friend's cleaning lady's daughter who was fostering a German Shepherd - we did, with several calls from Hawaii from the friend and some mixup from one of the shelters who didn't know if they could let us have the dog".  Hell, we hadn't even seen the dog.  Finally we were able to arrange a meeting, the day we were heading back to Ian's....and there was this mutt, that had some German Shepherd, and a lot of the neighborhood lothario.  He was very sweet, very quiet and careful.  He and Koa liked each other so we took him.

He had been left in the back yard of his former home, and we didn't know how much training he has had - not so much, but he follows us and wants to be close, although the first time into the car was a fight.  After that, Koa showed him what to do.
Now, for the boat.....he is a natural boat dog....isn't afraid of the surf, like that big Koa, and swims like a fish.  He is loving and sweet, but still a bit stubborn and looks at us with those big brown eyes when we ask him to do something - as if, "are you talking to me?"

Koa has a pal, and we do Waterdogs is back to being plural.  We lucked out.  His name is Captain Jack Murray, answering to Murray - Meathead, Lumplumpm, goofus,.....and it was a committee naming at Ian's house, as he was called Trey and Buddie...he answers to Murray, very well as he knows that a dish of food follows.

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