Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A day off.............

David, our crew, was able to get a surfboard off  the net for 800 coconuts, which is about $60.  We decided to quit working for the day and go to Sayulita which is a famous surf town so he could surf and we could vegetate.  We found parking under a tree, had a great mahi mahi sandwich, and watched the surfing ---small waves, but fun for everyone.  When we had cleaned out the boat last spring to leave, Robert and I were so exhausted that we drove to Sayulita (not even an hour away from Nuevo) and spent three days there, loving the beach and the town- so this was a fun return for us.  Dogs run free, Canada has invaded and real estate has skyrocketed .  We were there "when" about ten years ago when it was discovered as a great surf spot - giant waves in Sept and Jan.  Now, the fact of finding parking under a tree on the beach was pretty miraculous. 

Here at Nuevo, a new tacos restaurant has opened where there was an empty space in the building facing us - wonderful food and cheap, but the chef, and I use that term correctly wants to do wonderful food.  He does, but all us gringos want his tacos.

That is my new weedwhacker haircut resting with my new BF who is a cool dude of a dog.  The haircut was named by Jean who got one for the Hawaii crossing, but who managed to look put toghether, no matter what was going on the boat.
We are taking a break from trying to find places for all the stuff that was on the dock and the deck, so we could look like reasonable people for Mike, who joined us yesterday.  Turns out he loves Hawaiian music, plays the Uke, and does dishes.  God has an interesting sense of humor with the crew we have found.  They are pretty special people and it seems that we have connections.  Finding crew from the Latitude crew list is always an adventure, but we have been blessed with great friends from that list.  It is like a blind date getting people you don't know on a small space of  a sailboat.  We have really lucked out.

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