Friday, January 17, 2014

Rainy days and Mondays.....

as in the song "always get me down".....but not here.  Despite the talk of La Nina or El Nino - the sun always comes out.  Weather reports every morning are sort of vague, the weather changes literally in minutes - but the beach is always good for a walk.  Although the dogs embarrass us.  We have learned to take bags along for those moments. We are thinking of changing the name of the blog as neither dog likes the waves and pull us inshore as much as possible.  Koa tries to haul Cooper away from the water with snarls. 
We have been helping Juan with preparations for a marina swap meet:  abandoned boat stuff.  Most of the boats on the old dock witht he exception of the junk and the blue boat are missing owners due to fed up with sailing, age, or other problems.  Over time the marina has stripped the boats into unruly piles of stuff and Robert and I sorted it out for a sale tomorrow.  The problem according to one cruiser, is that the market for the stuff is not here as most of the cruisers are already fitted out.  But knowing cruisers, the small stuff will go.  We even found a few treasures.

The one in red has to have paid big bucks for a Mexican vacation.


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