Saturday, January 25, 2014

El Muelle Grill

We heard an "hola" and popped out from hiding from the heat to see the Baretto family out for a ride.   The panga is really too big for the little engine and all 6 1/2 kids, but they went across the bay and played on the beach at the Rio Ameca, which has crocodiles upstream.  We have been so impressed by Pedro and his family as they are usually very happy  work together wilingly, and respectful of their parents.  They talk to to their parents.  My grandkids are stuck into electronic toys and games.  What a contrast.
We look up to the cafe from our cockpit and wander up as often as possible.  Armando, in the blue shirt was in the fish and restaurant business in San Diego for 30 years and is gifted as a chef and welcomer.   Hola Amigos is shouted out at anyone walking by who has visited who has visited the cafe.    And when they leave, they are definitely amigos.Pedro and his oldest son Hosoy ( that is how it is pronounced - but means Joshua) join us after working on our boat.  The cafe was openned by a couple three years ago, with most of the cruisers falling in love with them.  Two months after we left in 2010, they divorced, and Fabian reopenned in October with Armando.  Fish and shrimp tacos are better than anything we have ever had in the the US - for $2.00.  One is filling, two are fall on the ground  stuffed.  We want to take Armando travelling with us.


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