Between Eureka and Crescent City is a small red school house and several large field where these traffic stoppers live.....hundreds of them...along with many signs warning drivers to watch for them. There is one huge problem - the road is windy and you can be face to face with them at any given moment. They look calmly at the dogs inj the van who look back with frantic barking. Finding the surprise of the elk among the redwoods is great, but as we have done this road so many times we try to be very quiet so the dogs don't raise a ruckus.
While walking down to the beach at Mom's, there is a herd of deer that come down the river that empties into the ocean - and the deer calmly walk throught the neighboorhood chomping on everyone's landscaping. This time, the dogs just stared them down. A portion of the Brookings Harbor
and the river is in the background of the cottage.

This homeowner has a great view.
All the chart books talk about going across the bar at slack tide, and the photo below shows why. Extremely dangerous, at almost any time. Summertime has calm waves, but the waves breaking in the mouth of the channel were pretty intimidating following this winter storm. I don't think so for any crossing in the winter.
It was raining too hard to show the foam and whitewater from the surf in front of the harbor. When the sun comes out here, Brookings is a magical place. In a storm it is awe inspiring with crashing surf heard into the center of town, mists blanketing the hills, and wet, wet, wet. Even more magic,

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