This is a Hawaiian quilt, ginger motif that I did for my mother's birthday in June. Well, ok, she got it for Christmas. She is ninety years old and can remember all the words to songs from a long time ago, but day to day memory is troublesome. She may or may not remember who made the quilt or why, and who knows how long she will appreciate it, yet, it was important to finish it. Mom has written a book about her time running a roadhouse in Alaska, when she was 17 and those memories are the ones that count for her.

We were struck with the power of the ocean this trip as those logs in front were rocking with the force of the spent waves. A coastal trip north would need to be done twenty miles from shore, with full watch schedules in order to avoid any floaters like this.
Mom's beach on a stormy, wet day is better than the best day in any city.
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