Saturday, September 25, 2010

Last Minutes before Mexico

Robert was given a winch that he tore apart at Linda's house (Her backyard is a sail loft/painter's studio/boat part shop) and made it look and work like new. It is a windlass that belongs on an old salty type boat, and I made a cover for it. Now, I would like an electric windlass, where you can stand and push a button while checking out the scenery. But, we are blessed with something we can afford: it was free. And we are blessed with the friendship of the fellow that gave it to us. So where ever we go, we will thank Robert J., our harbor neighbor who encourages us as we get ready to leave. And we do, leave next Thursday.
Just a windlass is not enough: you have to drill lots of holes in the deck for the deck opening, hawsepipe, the chain stopper, build a chain locker (which is under our bed and makes me wonder how we get rid of future mud smells, etc.), and find out that our deck is 1 1/2" thick. The end of our bed will be chopped off, so that the dogs and some midgets will be able to stretch out there, just so there is room for the chain. We are getting muscles from hauling it around - in the basket, out of the basket. Who said yachting is glamour? Wait. Is this yachting?
Robert J. even made a handle for the windlass: we can crank up the anchor, getting exercise on the foredeck which means we eyeball the painted links and figure how long it will take to get the chain up. Exercise is good.

1 comment:

aj said...

Amazing - it is all happening. I remember working on I’O and witnessing some of the problems you were working through – but it is happening – amazing and congratulations - Alan