Monday, March 19, 2012

Hell is going north.......

This is out of sequence as to real time, but then, it is always good to see sunsets........

At least part of the time it was hellish. Between huge winds, waves and seasickness, going north was not fun for the guys.  As Robert was sending out Spot positions that seemed to be stuck in place, both Bridget and I wondered why they wern't moving .   All sorts of disaster scenarios were going through my head.  Sure, we at home sitting on the computers were worried as Passage and Bouy weather were both showing big wind and waves in the forecast. 
The guys, with other boats ducked into Bahia Asuncion to sit out the weather and spent a boring couple of days on the hook. 
Leaks had appeared in the forepeak, from the ports on the doghouse, and the boat was just wet and the guys were cold and tired.
The weather window opened up with some areas forecasting huge waves north of Cedros, but they went for it and the attached photo shows a peaceful night.  Robert was able to call via a cell tower on Cedros and I was able to tell Bridget that they were moving.  Huge sighs of relief.

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