Monday, May 16, 2011

More Sayulita

nature paints Main St.

We really did think we were leaving today to do some exploring in the mountains, but are having too much fun.  We manage the buggy nights by spraying down with "Off" and hope that the critters leave us alone.  Our morning beach walk had Koa racing around with the local pack, except for a rude Sharpei who decided that his wrinkly self was going to be the boss.  He didn't understand English, but decided that Koa was biggger than anything around and he kept his pride and took off.    Right now it is very peaceful as the season pof all the desperate cold northerners has ended and until July, when the Mexicans are out of school, we have peace and tranquility....until the French Canadians decide to play volleyball.  We walk the beach eat wonderful fresh food, read, and swim in the not too wild waves.   The vendors thought we had dropped from the sky - so we helped the local economy a bit.  Next week, peanut butter.

Sunset surfing

The guy who threw a net from the beach caught a lot more than this fellow - it may be possible that the surfers were out there 24 hours

Panga central - this area used to be an inlet where I got twisted, thrown and dumped by huge waves ten years ago


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