Janice kept saying that we needed to wear good walking shoes - right, but she didn't say hiking boots, which is what one really needs. The Mall is 2 1/2 miles long with wonderful free museums along each side. I saw the Mall in a tv program where people were running to win a million dollars - in the humidity, I prayed for an air conditioned car. Humidity is understandable now - all those years in Hawaii did not prepare me for it - like a heavy weight all over your body.

The National Cathedral was beyond wondrous: chapels tucked in all over: a sense of great spirituality and peace as well as history that had happened there. We barely got into a service in the Bethlehem Chapel below "stairs" as up was a huge confirmation ceremony with the Bishop above stairs.
At the time this was built, it was rumored that it was copying great cathedrals in Europe - the US didn't have an architectural style as such, so despite the old naysaying, it was a lovely place.

Flowers were blooming all over - May deciding to bless the Capitol. Janice stands in one inspired garden - she was the best tour guide ever. We saw Arlington Cemetery, very moving with a wreath laying ceremony and some famous Democrat's burial places. We went up the Washington Monument with me freaking out as it was built before the turn of the century and the architect in me wondered about wind shear, deteriorating columns, etc as well as the acrophobic chicken in me was just trying to breathe. A better idea of the layout of Wash. DC is had up top if one doesn't shake too much, and wonder why LeEnfant wanted the criss cross streets. We also went to the Jefferson Monument which is contains farseeing words about peace and how everyone should just get along. He fired LeEnfant when he was President, looking for a better

design of the city. Union Station was on the mall and filled with upscale shops and trains. Evan and I took the Metro and I took cabs and Janice drove. So I left a carbon footprint. My shoes needed jell soles and by feet needed ibuprofen. Great art, history, and beauty of architecture and I could feel a sense of pride in the city. Too bad there is so much partisanship - we are all here together and need to remember Jefferson's words: "Every generation needs a new revolution" and "Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their government". And on and on. There are too many naysayers in this generation - but they are welcome to their opinions: all those in our history said so. But they need to get informed before being mean spirited. Amen
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