Back at Linda's after a flying visit around the country to organize storage and sell boat stuff at Minney's in Costa Mesa. It was 85 degrees there, and for the coast, hot, hot, hot. And here we plan to cruise south...but the chores remain before that. We make manageable lists: cancel the haul out - move it to later this month; get help on the electronics; set up the Electrasan so we don't have to walk two blocks to use the marina head; and throw things away. Or donate. Things we thought were important for the boat get stored in Linda's garage for use later and the rest gets examined very hard. If we put something interesting at the dumpsters in the marina, it disappears immediately. We also had to resew the sail cover due to the new slides added - the sail coverlooks like a patchwork quilt with all the sunbrella fabrics, but we would know it as our's anywhere. We sat in Linda's garage area and unstitched seams, looking over the beautiful eucalyptus trees. So, the real fun part begins this week at Svendsen's Boatyard, and then the even more fun part, the sailing, begins sometime in early August. We have sails, we have electronics, we have charts, we are ready for adventure.

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